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In this post, I am going to show you how to plant gorgeous window baskets as a newbie so that you are not overwhelmed. There are many, many, plants out there. As a new gardener, it is important to know the basic of what zone you are in and what plants will do well in your area.

I am in Guilford, CT and my zone is 6B. To find out what zone you are in, simply go to Google, type in your state and zip code and it will identify what zone you are in to determine your planting zone. Below is the window basket I am going to talk about;

I have seven boxes. Four of them at the driveway as you come in and then three in the above picture. The plants in these boxes are;

1] Impatients

2] Spike Dracaena

3] Supertunia Vista

4] Variegated Vinca

The reason for these plants are because of simplicity, ease of care and location. My four tips are in getting gorgeous boxes as this are;

TIP # 1: A Good Potting Mix. There are many bags of soil out there. Before getting any, please read the instructions thoroughly. There are bagged soil for evergreen which obviously wouldn’t work for this. What I used is this below. You can get this at any garden supply store, Lowes, Home Depot etc..

TIP # 2: Fertilize With The Right Plant Food. Once you have your plant in the basket or box, make sure you fertilize every week or two weeks depending on the health of your plants. I personally fertilize every two weeks and what I have used for the last two years for my plants in boxes is Proven Winners Plant food which I have shared below.

TIP # 3: Do Not Overwater / Vice Versa. I am very guilty of this tip. But make sure you are not overwatering your plants nor under watering them. Not doing this right shall affect how well your plants grow. So please pay attention to this.

TIP # 4: Planting The Right Plants In The right Spot. This ties back to knowing what zone you are in. But to be more indepth as pertaining to window baskets, you want to make sure the plant you are buying will do well in the spot you are going to put it in. So questions you should be asking are, will this “X” plant get the right amount of sun? Is there enough shade for this to thrive? Andy more.

Knowing the right type of plant to put in a particular place makes a huge difference. Hope this helps and if you have more questions, please shoot me a message on any of the platforms above and I shall be happy to help. Enjoy the rest of your week.