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What it takes to love a ROSE in the GARDEN.How these scenes from NETFLIX(A LITTLE CHAOS)got me there

What it takes to love a ROSE in the GARDEN.How these scenes from NETFLIX(A LITTLE CHAOS)got me there

Hello My Fellow Country Garden Club Butterflies,
I have many roses at my place but never really cared for them as I should have. And then I chance upon this movie on Netflix and oh my. It changed my entire perspective on roses. I found myself looking through the window as it rained and just stared at them. Once, the rain was done, I went out promptly to start working and caring. I truly regret not caring for them a few years ago as I’d have magic on my arbors. But it is not too late now and that is what this video depicts. I hope you have enjoyed it and shall see you in my next one.😊😊😊 ..

#roses, #newdawnrose, #Pattisguilfordgardenct, #Connecticutgardener,#CTgardener, #Gardenmakeover, #zone6b,


// ▼ ▽ Time Stamp;

0:00 | Scene 1
0:50 | Preamble
1:17 | Scene 2
2:25 | Working on my roses finally
7:54 | Before & after of the arbor
8:15 | Scene 3 -favourite scene
9:47 | Got more roses
10:18 | Conclusion



My name is Patience but I go by Patti. Welcome to my channel where I journal things for all you to see – my failures, successes and all that things what ever that is! I am a gardener (zone 6b), home decor lover, & all things DIY. My channel is dedicated to encouraging every viewer to do things for themselves and be self-sufficient. I never actually knew I could do these projects I take on until I bought my place and immediately realized paying for things to be done was not sustainable long term. Albeit, sometimes I have no choice but to pay for the more tedious ones. That is why I have started creating content about the things I am doing perfect or not.

In summary, you shall have an in-depth look into how I am changing my space, plants I buy and all others things to come. Hopefully, it is motivating enough for you to want to stick around and encourage you to take up a challenge in the foreseeable future.


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//▼ ▽Other videos;

♡ My 2021 vision board:

♡ How the vision board is going so far/ mini update:

♡ How to save money on tulips:

♡ Second thrifted Video:

♡ Addicted to boxwoods? Watch me slay here:

♡ My favorite garden tool review:

♡ Make a simple window box:

