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Ok, where do start? Hello, my name is Patti and welcome to my “Home on a budget and lifestyle blog”. I currently reside in Guilford, CT. I have lived in different parts of Connecticut and selected Guilford to buy a place as it has a storybook charm to it. I mean we can all dream right? 🙂

And I am doing just that. I am originally from Ghana, West Africa and came here in my early twenties. Growing up, you read books in library about America, England et al. You see the houses and never in a million years would you think you’d live in one, let alone own one. I am in a dream alright…

I came and started with nothing. My first place was little studio on top of a chinese restaurant and now to this.

The purpose of my blog is to help, inspire, share knowledge how you and I can save money on the cost of home ownership and help new owners / others along the way.

I urge you to come along as I sail this bark.